I have at the same time received a letter on the subject from the Hudson's Bay

Company, enclosing one from their Agent in
the Island,
copies of which I forward to you herewith. The correspondence which
passed between yourself and
M Dallas in
August and
September last
has also been transmitted to me.
The circumstances stated in these papers agree with the supposition
originally formed here that it was in the first instance intended that
the cost of the Buildings should be borne by this Country, as coming

within the head of expenditure incurred by the
Hudson's Bay Company
during their tenure of
the Island. I have, therefore, to request that
you will furnish me with some further explanation for this matter, and
that you will apprize me of the extent of the land surrendered to the
Company's Agent to meet his advance, and of the mode in which the price
obtained for it was realized.