Although I believe my father's name (
Edward Edwards Langford) is
down for office in
Vancouver, I take the liberty of making
application to you in his behalf and entreating that you will
favorably consider

his case. He has been struggling
on for seven years in that Island under the old system which I trust
you will kindly consider entitles him to some claim on the new
government. I may say with truth that ours was the first
gentleman's family to settle there, and consisted of my parents,
my sisters, myself and a brother

born after our arrival. My father
is a son of the
Cap G. Langford R.N. and formerly held a commission
in Her Majesty's 3 Regiment. He has for the Past few years filled
the function of Justice of the Peace in
Vancouver. Hoping you will
consider him eligible for some appointment and with many apologies

for intruding on your valuable time, I am Sir