Referring to my letter to your Grace of the
19 ultimo, I think it
right to acquaint your Grace that we have recently received advices
from our manager in
Vancouver's Island, from which we learn that
Governor Douglas has applied to him for advances on account of the
Government subsequently to the
30 of May last, when the License
expired; and that in conformity with the instructions we had
previously given not to make advances after that period, he refused
the application.
This circumstance I think,
fully confirms the statement in my letter
of the
19 ultimo, that the Company had no desire to make any
advances, beyond meeting the demands of the Governor under the terms
of the Grant. So soon as that obligation was removed by the expiry
of the License, the representative of the Company declined to meet
the Governor's requisitions, which I trust may be in accordance with
your Grace's views.