I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch, of
7 February N 15, in reference to my Despatch of the
11 December last, N 49, which reported the appointment of
certain officers therein named, to situations
Island, and you are pleased to observe that you have no
objections to offer to those nominations, provided the salaries
of the officers in question are defrayed from the resources of
Vancouver's Island, and in no degree interfere with the
appointments you have found it necessary to make in
I beg to inform you in reply that the appointments of Officers
made for the Colony of
Vancouver's Island, are entirely
distinct, and do not in any degree interfere with the
appointments you have made in British
Columbia; that the
services of the Officers mentioned in my letter are
indispensably necessary for conducting the public business of
the Colony, and that their salaries as stated in my letter are
paid by the
Hudson's Bay Company, out of the proceeds of Land
sales effected in
Vancouver's Island.