I beg to call your attention to the accompanying documents,
which I have the honour to transmit for your consideration.
They consist of; copy of letter to the late Sec for the
M Labouchere, with the reply to the Same; copy of
letter to the Governor of
Vancouvers Island; account of
proceedings of a meeting held at
Aylmer to consider the subject
of emigration to said Island. The letter addressed to His
Excellency the Governor of
Vancouvers Island, together with the
report of the meeting held in
Aylmer C.W. there is reason to
fear, have never been forwarded to their destination; the Post
Office, with all its contents, having been consumed by fire, a
few days after the letters were deposited therein. Your

Lordship will permit me to observe, that the emigration from
Canada would be of that description, most likely to Keep in
check the lawless habits and wild theories of certain restless
adventurers, who so abound in the neighbouring States, should
they ever venture to make
Vancouver Island the Scene of their operation.
In the Settlement of Canada West certain tracts of land were
appropriated to certain classes or nationalities such as the
"Scotch Block" "Irish Block" "Canadian Block" &c &c. I think,
my Lord, that in a political point of view, such an arrangement
is judicious; and if I might presume, I would suggest, that as
far, at least, as Canadian emigration is concerned, the same
plan be adopted in regard to
Vancouvers Island. The Hudson Bay
Company have hitherto held the land at one pound Stg. per acre.
Free grants

have only been given to their employees. When it is
considered that, on the Main land, with a climate and soil
equal, if not superior, land can be purchased for one fourth
that price, it is not surprising that the island still remains a
comparative desert. After all the hardship and expense incurred
by the emigrant in reaching so distant a spot, would not the
free grant of a lot of land to the actual Settler be both
judicious and paternal? In this Section of Canada the System
of free grants was adopted; and, under the judicious management
of the late
Colonel Talbot, with the happiest results. In
conclusion, I would beg to remark, that for many years there has
been a steady emigration
from Canada; which arises not from political feeling, but from the
superiority of climate, and the greater facilities offered by

the neighbouring Republic for the acquisition of land. In York
State alone there are upwards of 30,000 Canadians and in the
western States the proportions must be far greater.
Your lordship will confer a favour by directing an early reply
to this communication, so that the intentions of her Majesty's
Government with respect to Settlement in
Vancouvers Island and
the adjoining British Coast, may be placed before the Committee
appointed by the meeting of the
12 Sep 1857 with as little
delay as possible.