In doing myself the honor to acknowledge the receipt of
your letter of the
14 inst. and with reference to it, and
former communications upon the same subject, I beg most
respectfully to state, that I am by no means particular as to
whether any appointment which the Right
Hon Sir E. Lytton
may feel disposed to confer upon me, is at "
Vancouvers Island",
or the newly created colony of
British Columbia. Being anxious
for employment abroad, and feeling confident that I should (from
my experience as an Army & Police officer, as certified in the
Testimonials originally forwarded, and copies of which are still
at the Colonial office, as well as my acquaintance with several
foreign Languages)—be able to render some assistance in a new
Colony situated as the above mentioned ones are, I should be
grateful for his patronage. And altho' I have lost a
responsible situation in this Country through an unfortunate
misconstruction of the purport of his Letter of
14 Ulti,
still, my letter of
30 Ulti was not written with a view
to intrude my qualifications upon his notice to the detriment of
other and perhaps better qualified candidates, but merely that I
might, if possible, ascertain what prospect of my employment
existed, in order that I might know how to act

under my present
Circumstances and that I might intimate to a large body of
qualified Police constables recently under my command and in
adjoining counties, whether there was any prospect of their
wishes to accompany me being realized.
In conclusion I beg again most respectfully to solicit
employment, if my services are likely to be useful or needed,
and at the same time to intimate that it is my intention
(unless I should receive an appointment in the mean time) to
proceed to "
Vancouvers Island" in about six weeks from the
present time in hopes that I may find employment there or in
British Columbia."
P.S. May I request that should I be honord
with any future communication it may be addressed to N 5
Norfolk Street, Park Lane,