I have received your Despatch of the
6 last March, N 2,
reporting upon the complaint of
M Robert Swanston as to the conduct
of the Collector of Customs at
Port Victoria in refusing to grant a
permit for his Vessel the
William Allen" to proceed to other Harbors of
Vancouver's Island. It having been deemed expedient to refer the
correspondence on this subject to the Commissioners of Customs for their
observations, I have now to transmit to you a copy of the report they
have addressed to the Board of Treasury with respect to it, and I am
glad to learn thereupon that they are of opinion that the proceedings of
the Collector appear to have been justified, and that
M Swanston's
complaint is fully and satisfactorily answered. In forwarding to you
this report of the Commissioners of Customs I have to instruct you to
direct the special attention of the Collector at
Port Victoria to the
advice they have offered as to the course he should pursue in future in
all disputes or applications for relief of a nature similar to the
present; and I would observe to yourself, that, although in this case
you have assigned reasonable
ground for omitting to forward
Swanston's complaint to this Department, the proper course for you to
pursue is always to send home Memorials or representations addressed to
the Secretary of State by any inhabitant of
Vancouver's Island. It will
of course be desirable that it be made known by public notice or
otherwise in the Colony, that the Secretary of State for the Colonies
will not entertain complaints in cases where
the parties have not, in
the first instance, sought redress from the local Authorities.