This letter seems to me as not a sufficiently definite answer to
the question proposed in the
Duke of Newcastle's minute of the
ultimo, which I put to Mess
Esterby [Easterby] &
Gray personally
when they called at this Office on the
5 instant. I collect from it
that the capital will be raised by an Association of persons, but not a
Company, & that the scheme is not intended as a Stock jobbing affair,
but will be respectably conducted. Then why

should not the names of the
Supporters of the undertaking be disclosed? The difficulty probably
consists in finding persons to join in a scheme when it has not been
ascertained what the Government will grant. I should suggest as the
best way of coming to an understanding on the subject that the papers
should be referred to the Land Board, that that Department should be
directed to prepare a draft Lease on the terms of
Sir Henry De la Beckes
Letter, with any improvements therein which the
Duke of Newcastle may
think proper to suggest, that the draft

should be submitted to
Taylor, as the Agent or Professional Advisor of Mess Esterby, with
an enquiry whether his clients will agree to its' provisions if the
Treasury assent to them—and if they do agree, then refer the Draft
Lease and all the papers to
the Treasury. But still the names of the
Supporters of the undertaking, & their Means—as far as such a point can
be ascertained—should be made known to the
Gov for the reason
expressed in the
Duke of Newcastle's minute.