Having greatly recovered my health & strength during the period of
five months which have elapsed since I left the Governorship of
Vancouver's Island & its dependencies, I take the liberty to bring my
case before your Lordship and to express a hope that I may be permitted
to look forward to another appointment in Her Majesty's service. I
trust that I should be found fully competent for the duties of a
Colonial Secretary, Consul, or Governor of any Insular territory, or as
an Attache to an Embassy. I have taken the degree of Master of Arts at
Cambridge & am a member of Lincolns Inn; but having a claim to
considerable property in America I passed upwards of two years there and
have not practised as a Barrister. In the year 1848 I was travelling in
the Upper provinces
of India
of India when the Sikh War suddenly broke out, and
my services were accepted as a volunteer. On the successful termination
of the campaign I was invited to accept a commission in H.M. Service,
but having received a letter from a relative in England informing me
Vancouvers Island was to be colonized on a large scale and that it
had been intimated to him that he could procure the appointment of
Governor for me, I relinquished other prospects and arrived in England
towards the end of
June 1849, when I had the honor of being introduced
to your Lordship by
JH Pelly. Having received the appointment I
provided at my own expense a full and ample outfit including a service
of plate and other appendages suitable for such a situation, And beyond
a payment made by the
Hudson's Bay Company my outward passage cost me a
considerable sum, as I experienced a long detention at
Panama and was
further obliged to proceed to
Callao to seek one of HM Ships, which I
expected would have met me at
Panama. On my arrival at
Vancouvers Island there was not the slightest preparation for my reception, and
jointly with my servant I occupied an empty store room for several
months, until I was able to build myself a small log house. During the
18 months I was there I had to purchase every thing from the Hudson's
Bay company's stores at excessive prices; twice I was called to proceed
to the Northern part of
the Island on account of differences between the
Hudson's Bay Comp Servants, and the natives, and on one occasion
was under the necessity of making a passage of seven days in an open
during the month of
November, which acting on a constitution
already enfeebled by repeated attacks of the ague, reduced me so low
that on my return to
Victoria, where there was not at that time any
medical advice, I was unable to walk and my recovery was not expected.
On the submission (by my relative) to your Lordship in
March 1851 of
medical certificates from two
London Physicians, you permitted my
resignation on which I left
the Island on the first of September and
London and reported my arrival to your Lordship on the
Nov. I returned to England at a great expense (upwards o. 300) &
on my homeward passage lost the greater and most valuable part of my
baggage by the wreck of a vessel in the river Chagres.
Melancholy as it is to reflect that I have borne H.M.'s commission
for executing the office of Governor for a length of Service during
which some benefit might have been expected from my exertions I am
constrained to say that I have not accomplished the purposes for which
sent out. There were not any materials to work wit. scarcely an
inhabitant except the Indian tribes and the Hudson's bay Comp
servants, and no probability of colonization being encouraged. Under
the combined circumstances of the great expense I have been put to, of
the loss of time, of the prospects I abandoned, and the exposure to
inclement weather which so greatly injured my health, without my having
received the slightest recompence whatever, I trust I shall not be
deemed presumptuous in expressing my hope that I may be permitted to
look forward to
somw future
some future employment in H.M. Service whether
colonial, consular, or Diplomatic.
In conclusion I take the liberty to enclose for your Lordships
perusal the copy of an address which was presented to me after my
embarkation without my previous knowledge of it, with copies of six
certificates of my service in India, for which I have received an
honorary medal.