Not knowing whether any reliable information has been transmitted
by anybody here to any of HM representatives on this Coast, as to the
certain discovery of Gold in
Queen Charlottes Island, & that, in great
density & very large quantities I think it by no means inconsistent with
my duty as a British Subject to take the earliest opportunity of giving
you authentic information of it. It appears that the existence of the
Gold had been known to the Agents of the H.BCo. for about 2 1/2 years,
to my certain knowledge they must have been aware of it in
1850 or very
early in
1851. I saw two specimens of it, before
Apr last
last year, &
had one myself in the end of
April or the beginning of
May, which came
through their hands. They have already sent two expeditions thither for
the purpose of obtaining it, both by trading it from the Natives and
also by mining. The last started about the beginning, say the 10
12 of Oct last, in the Brig
Una in which the bearer
MLean bore a part. This vessel stayed only three days, & her
success fully proved the richness of the Mines at the place where she
made her trial. She was wrecked on her return at
Cape Flattery. For
all details I beg to refer you to the bearer, in whose information you
may rely. He has a few specimens with him which you can examine. I
have some myself which I would send if I had any certain mode of
I have thought it the more necessary to write about this matter
because on the one hand, I know that many American expeditions are
likely to proceed thither, as indeed, 3 have gone already (one is a
British ship, but chartered by Americans). This vessel the
Georgiana is
wrecked on
Q.C. Island, & an American ship the
Damaiscone [Damanscove?] has been sent by the Collector at
Olympia Puget Sound, under the Revenue
Flag to try & redeem them. 3 or 4 of the crew who are in the hands of
the Natives are British Subjects. On the other hand I have heard that
the H.B Co have made an attempt to obtain a grant of
the Island from our
Gov not letting them know the reason why they wanted it. I sent 2
specimens to
Gen Miller at the
Sandwich Islands
Aug or
Sept last, & in a letter dated
Oct 11 he states to me that
he had sent one of them to the Foreign office. Perhaps it would be as
well to purchase
MLeans specimens from him. I have written
simultaneously to the British Consul at
San Francisco.