I beg to enclose to your Lordship a copy of a memorial presented to
me by
Andrew Muir, a Scotch miner lately in the employment
Copy to Hudson's Bay Comp for observations 10 Oct.
of the
Hudsons bay Company; The said
Andrew Muir appears to have been grossly
ill treated by the officers of that company, and in consequence left
Island in a ship bound for
San Francisco, in company with some other persons who declared they did not consider their lives
safe after the
violent threats that had been
herd to them, They have returned by
the first opportunity and seek redress for the loss and damage they have
sustained, Several minor cases of the same kind I have settled
summarily, but a case like the present does not admit of being so
disposed of, as considerable damages are claimed; I expect that other
actions of a similar nature will shortly be commenced, and to secure a
fair trial will to say the least be a matter of great difficulty as with
the exception of the plantiffs family (
the Muirs) there are not five
persons in
the Island except the Hudson's bay company's servants. My instructions authorize me to make
magisterial and temporary judicial
appointments, but do not provide for the event of there being no persons
qualified to hold them. I would beg to press on your Lordships notice
the expediency of making an immediate appointment of Chief Justice, or
some law officer for the colony, who shall have full power to hear and
determine all causes, subject to the usual appeals, a fair salary should
be attached to the appointment, to be paid by the Hudson's
bay company,
till such time as it can be raised in
the Island,
The ship
Tory has just landed about one hundred and twenty persons,
all with two exceptions servants of the Hudson's bay company, some have
already been
sent to Oregon, and some to other posts of the company, no preparations had been made here for their
reception beyond erecting a couple of log houses or rather sheds, in these the remainder
are huddled
together like cattle, as I have seen myself, to the number of thirty or
thirty five in each shed, men and women, married and single, without any
kind of screen or partition to seperate them, as may be supposed great
discontent exists already and will most certainly increase, the result
will probably be that they leave the colony and seek employment in