Ans 3 […]/51 N 7 […] 2727
As I shall have completed two years absence from England, before
your answer can reach me, may I take the liberty of requesting your
Lordship to grant me leave to Visit England, as I have urgent private
affairs to attend to which require my presence there, and since my
arrival here I have suffered so severely from continual attacks of ague
and subsequent relapses that I am now enfeebled to a degree which
renders me incapable of the slightest exertion. I am not able to
enclose a Medical certificate as the surgeon in the employment of the
Bay Company
Bay Company has been removed from this colony to one of their
posts in
Should your Lordship grant this application I trust you will direct
a passage to be allowed me as far as
Panama in one of H M Ships, as there
are no direct means of communication, the indirect ones are very
uncertain enormously expensive and the heavy expenses which have been
thrown on me by the Hudson Bay Company, contrary to my expectation, for
my passage out and during my residence here, have greatly straightened
my private finances,