The recent discovery of the Gold Region in
California, accessible to Individual enterprise and highly remunerative to Personal labour,
has created a General movement among British Subjects of the operative Classes who
are formed, in considerable numbers, along this Coast.
Compelled by a desire for change, and hopes of rapid prosperity, but doubtful of the advantages
California from the Report (however incorrect) of its lawless population
The Viscount Palmerston GrB
and unhealthy climate, several Individuals have applied to me for information respecting
Vancouver’s Island, believing that by the working of coal and agricultural
pursuits, they might realize ready profit from the expected commerce with
California, and obtain a permanent settlement with an excellent Market for their produce. The
first questions generally put to me are, Is there any Govt established in
Vancouver’s Island? Can we depend upon Law and Order? I have been able to give in reply, such information
only as could be collected from the Report of
the Debates in Parliament during the last session on the subject, and have found
that the idea of living under the Govt of the Hudson’s Bay Company is distasteful
to the majority of proposed Immigrants: the best men, skilled Artisans with some Property,
seek apparently the Imperial Protection, and desire to settle where they can feel
confident of security under Her M’s Govt.
I have thought it right to state these circumstances to Your Lordship because should
it be deemed expedient, there would seem to be a probability by advice and information
above of directing a certain number of excellent Immigrants to Vancouver’s Island,
in preference to any of the Territories of the United States.