I refrain from expressing my individual opinions as to the policy
pursued in this instance by Her Majesty's Government, I cannot however
avoid stating what I know to be a fact, that the grant of
Island to the Hudson's Bay Comp will be the means of instantaneously checking the intended emigration to
that island, of several Scottish
gentlemen who were otherwise prepared to embark with all the "materials"
w be likely to bring about successful colonization.
As I myself purpose carrying out my intention of starting thither
very shortly, taking with me a
Clergyman of the Church of Scotland, &
some mechanics,
labourers, &c. I trust I may be permitted respectfully
to record my petition, a petition in which I am

convinced I shall be
seconded by every embryo emigrant to
Vancouver I. That it may please Her
Majesty's Government, to exercise their power of revoking within the
limits of this New Colony all such priviliges of exclusive trade as have
been granted to the Hudson's Bay
Co in certain other parts of
British North America. The High price of land that settlers will have
to pay amt in all to ab £ 2"4. p acre, is surely in itself a
sufficient evil, to this will be added the overwhelming competition with
a powerful
Co against which
individual colonists will have to strive
in every
department of culture or traffic; Heavy
Royalties that
on the exportation of timber, viz 10/ p load, being sufficient to
annihilate any proposed traffic in that commodity are to be charged on
all kinds of available produce; and if even their settlers are debarred,
by the
continuance of a monopoly, from availing themselves of one of the
principal natural resources of
the island, so crushing a check may be
given to the exertions of private enterprises, as materially do impede
the success of any effort at Public improvement in the Colony.

I have
to apologize for the great liberty I take in making these suggestions and