In 1644 N. America
Received C.D. August 24 1848
I am deeply concerned to say that that part of the Country (on the
Columbia) has been in a very unhealthy state, arising from dysentery, typhus fever and measles,
introduced by large bodies of immigrants from the United States who came to the Willamette
last season, occasioning a fearful mortality among the natives, with much loss of
life and suffering among our own people, about 20 of our servants having died, principally
Fort Vancouver.
The loss of life from these causes among the tribes situated between the Cascades
and the upper part of the Columbia has been very great, and one of those tribes, the
Cayuses, in the neighbourhood of
Walla Walla. Supposing that
D. Whitman, who superintended the mission of Wailatpu, about 30 miles from our past of
Walla Walla, was
instrumental in introducing these pestilences among them, as a punishment for some offence they
had previously

committed, in the month of December massacred that uniformed gentleman, his wife
and and nine (9) other grown up persons belonging to the mission: and, with the assistance
of their allies the Nez Percis, made prisoners of 64 men, women and children, the
remaining inmates of
Dr. Whitman’s and another American mission, on the
Clearwater River under the charge of
Mr. Spalding. -
Information of these alarming proceedings having been conveyed to the Board of Management,
they became
apprehensive of danger to our establishment of
Walla Walla, and
Chief Factor Ogden proceeded from
Vancouver to its relief, with the double object of affording protection to our own past, and
of rescuing the unfortunate captives.
On arrival at
Walla Walla, however, it was found that the natives, did not manifest any hostility toward our
people, on the contrary, that they showed a friendly disposition even while engaged
in the massacre at Wailatpu, having protected two of the children of
Chief Trader Manson, who were there at school and conveyed them

safely to
Walla Walla when they were placed under the care of M.
MBean, the gentleman in charge.
Chief Factor Ogden next directed his attention to the American Captives, and after much negotiation
succeeded in obtaining their release, by ransom to an amount not exceeding £100 The
object of the Indian in taking these people prisoners, was to hold them as hostages,
with a view to their own protection, being apprehensive that strong measures of
retaliation would be adopted by the Provisional Government.
Mr. Ogden, however, could give no pledge to that effect, and I am concerned to say that a war
of extermination as been commenced upon these unfortunate people under the direction
of the Provisional Government. A force of 400 men, was raised as early as possible,
and despatched under a violent and injudicious leader named
Gilliam, who has had several skirmishes with the natives, in which a few lives have been
last on both sides, but no decisive engagement had taken place up to our latest advices.
There is no question, however,

that the Americans will, in the end, glut their revenge upon the wretched Indians,
although, from their want of discipline and means, it will require a length of time
to effect the work of destruction.
The Board of Management when called upon by the Provisional Government to afford their
assistance to punish the natives, very wisely determined on maintaining a strict neutrality
declining to make a loan of $100,000 required by the Government for the purpose of
carrying on the war; but supplied them with provisions to the amount of $1800 on the
personal security of the
Governor (Abernethy) and two members of the legislature.
For further information as to details on this subject, I beg to refer to the accompanying
copy of the despatch from the Board of Management dated 16th March, and of the correspondence therein referred to.
Notwithstanding the judicious determination of the Board of Management to take no
part in the hostilities, I am exceedingly apprehensive that we shall become more or
less involved in them and

get into difficulties both with the Americans and natives. We have already very narrowly
escaped doing so, as regards the former, a plan having been formed to supply themselves
by force with ammunitions of war and provisions from
Fort Vancouver, but
Chief Factor Douglas, (
Chief Factor Ogden being absent at
Walla Walla.) having had private information of this intention on the part of
Colonel Gilliam, opened a communication with the authorities upon the subject, and being at the same
time prepared to make a determined resistance, this lawless proceeding was abandoned
At the post of
Walla Walla however by direction of
Colonel Gilliam in
forcible possession was taken of two barrels of gunpowder, and I regret to say that no other
opposition than a simple protest was offered by
M. MBean, the Clark in charge to this robbery. As regards the Indians it is probable that,
the circumstances of our having got the hostages out of their hands; of
Thomas MKay, late Clerk in the Service, and several of our retired Servants having

joined the volunteer corps; of the American having obtained provisions from us to
carry on the war; and of their being permitted to take the powder without resistance,
may lead them to suppose that, although not actually in the field, we are in league
with the Americans against them, and I am very apprehensive that this may draw upon
establishments of
Walla Walla,
Fort Hall,
Colvile &
Okanagan, which are in a very defenceless state, their hostility.
It is possible, however, that those establishments may not be attacked, but even should
that fortunately be the case, there is no question that, pending the hostilities,
the trade of those posts will be ruined, as the natives cannot during such excitement,
give attention to the collection of Furs. We have, therefore, suggested to the Board
of Management that, if the war be
protracted, the posts of
Walla Walla and
Fort Hall be temporarily abandoned.
In the present disturbed state of the country, we shall be exceedingly anxious while
we have further
advice from the
Columbia; I have, therefore, requested the Board

of Management to report from time to time by every channel of
Besides an influx of about 3000 immigrants to the
Columnbia proper during the past year, a large body of people, known as the Mormons, driven out from
the United States on account of their religious tenets, have seated themselves down
to the number of 3000, in the the
neighbourhood of the Great
Salt Lake in the Smoke Country, where they are forming a City.
This party may be considered as the pioneers of the Sect, amounting to about 20,000
in all, 1000 more being expected at their new settlement this season.
By the accompanying copy of letter from
John Smith their president, you will observe they are desirous of obtaining supplies from us,
but there appears a disinclination on the part of the Board of Management to meet
their application.
From the numbers and organisation of these people, it is evident they will become
formidable and, in due time, be in a condition to give law to
Oregon; it is, therefore, highly desirable

that we should conciliate them by every proper means within our power and to that
end, I have suggested to the Board of Management that, we should provide them with
a few supplies from time to time, for which we have reason to believe they have the
means of paying in money.
Agriculture however, will be their principal occupation but situated so far in the
interior, it is impossible that they can form an export trade, or do more than obtain
a bare subsistence, and as they are not likely to remain satisfied with that state
of in action. I am very apprehensive they may follow up their original intention before
Wisconsin and direct their steps to
Vancouver Island, from where it would be quite
impossible for us, even if assisted by the natives to dislodge them.
The persecution they have experienced in the United States has given rise to a feeling
of hostility on their minds towards their countrymen while, on the contrary, it is
said they are favourably disposed to British interests, so that they might hereafter

become useful partisans in the event of difficulties with the U. States.
Herewith I forward for your information an extract from a private letter to me from
Chief Trader Richard Grant, dated
Fort Hall 31st Decr 1847, by which it would appear that the Mormons have been in communication with H. M.
Government with a view to settling on
Vancouver Island, and that they consider their application as having been favourably received.