I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 12 dated
16 February enclosing copies of correspondence between yourself and the
Governor General of Canada respecting an alteration proposed by your
Council in the Customs Tariff
British Columbia I have also received your further
Despatch No. 21 of the
9th March enclosing a copy of an Act 9 of
1871 to
repeal the Customs Amendment Ordinance No. 70 copies of the
correspondence which has passed on the subject have also been forwarded
to me by
Lord Lisgar.
I much regret that I have been unable to advise Her Majesty to
Assent to this Act which is in itself quite inobjectionable but as the
proposed reduction of duty
was not provided for in the Address of the
Union of
British Columbia with the Dominion of Canada it appeared to me it was not
competent of Her Majesty of the powers vested in Her by the British
North American Act
1867 to provide for such reduction in the Order in
Council uniting those Colonies.