I referred for the consideration of the Postmaster General your
Despatch No. 157 of the
10th Dec. last respecting the extension to
of the British money order system.
As regards the rules laid down for the transaction of this
business, I have only to make a remark on the
18th, relating
remittances of money to pay the Money Orders drawn in
B.C. on the
United Kingdom.
Mr. Maunsell agrees with you in the views adopted by
you that such remittances will probably not be necessary, as the Post
Office has periodically to make payment to the Colony through the
[blank] of sums varying between £500
and £600 annually on account of the
carriage of Colonial matters to and from
San Francisco, and that the
sums thus payable may be retained as a set off against the money orders
drawn upon this country by the Colonial Post Office on the understanding
that should
the amount due from the Colony exceed that due from the
London Post Office the question of remittance must be again considered.
I have therefore to desire you to take measures for carrying the
Money order system into operation and that the
first of May may be fixed
as the day for commencing business both in
B.C. and in this country.