I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch
dated the 16 Instant acquainting me, in reply to my letter of
the 8 Instant, that His Lordship the Secretary of State
cannot hold out to me any hope of an appointment in the Colonial
Service, and further observing that I had omitted to mention
that at the date of the abolition of my office I was offered
another appointment of equal value.
In reply I have to request that you will acquaint His Lordship
that having, in my previous correspondence with the Government,
disposed of the objection raised in your observation I deemed
it unnecessary again to refer to the subject. At the period
named I was offered a temporary and
subordinate office which I
demurred to accept as an equivalent for my former appointment
which was borne on the
Fixed Establishment of
VanCouver Island although I continued to
act in the subordinate capacity as long as it was necessary for the
convenience of the Government. Subsequently, on the
30th of
March 1867, I received a Despatch from the late
Governor Seymour
offering to bring to the notice of the Secretary of State my
claims for employment elsewhere provided I accepted six months
leave on full pay with a free passage to England for myself and
family. His Excellency at the same time expressing great regret
that the financial condition of the Colony left him little hope
of being able to offer me suitable employment within it. Having
accepted this offer in lieu of the profits and emoluments
guaranteed under the Royal Commission which I held I do not think
that His Lordship, upon consideration of the whole merits of
the case, will consider it fair to go behind the arrangement
which I was induced to fall in with. Nor does it seem
expedient, I respectfully submit,

to stir up enquiry regarding
the manipulations to which my office was previously subjected by
the Government and Legislature more especially as the office
which I then held has not up to this time been legally abolished.
I have therefore again respectfully to urge upon His Lordship's
consideration my claims for re-employment or compensation.