I have to acknowledge your letter of
17 inst with a despatch
from the Governor of
B. Columbia on the subject of the Ordinance
respecting payment for Preemption claims.
2. In a report dated
29 May 1869 I suggested that a summary
mode should be provided of enforcing payment of the purchase
money of preemption claims which had been surveyed by the
Government on the application
of the claimants, instead of
leaving it to be recovered by the ordinary course of Law.
Musgrave says that this point was considered when the Ordinance
was in preparation, and was purposely omitted to prevent the
appearance of pressing on bonâ fide Settlers unable to pay.
He considers that the same reason still exists and that it is
inexpedient to introduce any amendment of the Ordinance till
absolutely necessary. I presume that under these circumstances
Earl Granville will not press the amendment—but it is obvious
that without a summary mode

of procedure the Preemption payment
Ordinance will have but little practical effect.