I have consulted the Executive Council on the subject of Your
Lordship's Circular Despatch of the
17 October, respecting
the advantages of compulsory vaccination, and the possibility of
enforcing the system in this Colony.
But, I fear that the
circumstances of such a Community as this altogether preclude
any reasonable expectation that the same results could be
obtained as are seen in better organized societies. The white
population are well enough disposed to adopt the precaution of
Vaccination wherever it is within their reach, as I am informed
by Gentlemen of
the Medical profession, but the impossibility of
establishing any efficient system for the registration of Births
in a wild Country like this would render comparatively valueless
any attempt to enforce a compulsory system.
2. Even, however, if such a measure could be enforced with
regard to the White population, it would be quite out of the
among the Indians who are far more numerous. Great
numbers of Native tribes have been vaccinated from time to time,
and I am informed that during periods of alarm from Small-pox
many of them have, of their own accord, come to Medical men to
be vaccinated. But, I am advised and I believe that in
consequence of their superstitious prejudices and suspicions it
would be
exceedingly unsafe to attempt to apply any compulsory
system, even if it were not impossible to do so. And where the
Indians are so much in communication and contact with the white
population all over the Colony any regulations which affect only
the latter must be futile.