I have the honor to report my return yesterday to
Victoria from
the visits to some places on the Coast which I informed Your
Lordship in my last Despatch that it was my intention to
make in Her Majesty's Ship "
2. As I had hoped, I
was successful in settling the disputes at
Knights Inlet between the Indian Tribe and the persons concerned
in the Copper mine. The Indians on hearing of the approach of
the Ship restored certain sacks of ore which they had detained.
The Chiefs of the Tribe came on board and expressed their regret
for the opposition which they had made to the working of the
mine, and their
willingness that any white men who chose should
now come to the neighbourhood for that purpose. I have reason
to think that in the first instance their objections arose
from their belief that the ore which was taken from the "lead"
contained gold, which they desired to retain for themselves, or
regarded as deserving compensation for the land. But, one of
the parties interested in the mining equipment was present at
interview with the Chiefs, and expressed his satisfaction at the
understanding with the Indians and the promises which they now gave, upon which I
consented to pardon the offence of which they
had been guilty in obstructing the mining party in the
prosecution of their innocent undertaking. At the same time I
impressed upon the white settlers the importance of good faith
in their dealings with the Indians, and of
abstaining from any
injury to their salmon fisheries with regard to which they are
solicitous. I think that this matter is satisfactorily settled
and I do not apprehend any further difficulty.
3. On my return from
Knight's Inlet I visited the agricultural
district of
Nanaimo, which is the Coal mining
centre, and the District of
Cowichan which though inferior to
is still capable of becoming a very important
agricultural region. I have indeed been agreeably surprised by
what I have seen of
Vancouver Island in this respect. At all
these places substantial comfort may be witnessed easily
rewarding honest industry, and in some cases remarkable success
has been the result of only a few years of labor.
presents peculiar advantages for agriculture; is being rapidly
occupied; and cannot fail
to become a populous and prosperous
part of the Colony.
4. I enclose copies of Addresses which were presented to me at
Nanaimo and
Cowichan and of the replies which I made to them.
The settlers at
Comox are more scattered than in other places
and it was stated to me apologetically that as my visit was
somewhat unexpected, time had not been afforded to prepare an
address for presentation.