The Delegation which I reported, in my Despatch N 32, of the
5 ultimo, that it was my intention to send to
Ottawa to
discuss with the Canadian Government the terms proposed for
Union with the Dominion, will proceed upon that mission by the
Steamer which takes this
Despatch to Your Lordship.
M Trutch, the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, has
not been absent from the Colony for five years. As he will be
Ottawa so far on the way towards England, whither he desires
to proceed on private affairs, I have granted him three months
double vacation leave of Absence, to take effect from the
termination of his duties at
Ottawa. He will report himself at
Colonial Office on his arrival in
London and will be
to afford Your Lordship any information which you may require in
respect of the progress of the negociations in which he will
have been engaged. I place much confidence in
M Trutch's
ability and discretion.