I have had the honor to receive Your Lordship's Despatch N 12,
of the
21 February, calling my attention to the
Duke of
Buckingham's Despatch N 63, of the
21 August 1868, and to
previous correspondence respecting a claim
against this
Government for £675.2.4, Six hundred and seventy five pounds,
two shillings and fourpence, on account of Stores supplied by
the War Department for the service of the Colony.
2. When Your Lordship wrote you had not received my Despatch
N 9, of the
29 January transmitting the Estimates for this
Year and reporting upon the financial position of the Colony.
From what I there stated it will be obvious that the condition
the finances is really as yet far from being improved. No
provision has been made for this claim on the Estimates for this
Year as I was entirely ignorant of it until now. I could not
remit the amount without borrowing it from the Bank at twelve
per cent compound interest—that is, interest on which interest
is charged at the expiration of every quarter—and under all the
circumstances of the case I trust that Your Lordship will permit
me to defer the remittance.