With reference to Your Lordship's Despatch N 63 of
28 June,
on the subject of the Ordinance N 11 of
1869, "respecting
Pre-emption claims," in which you transmitted for consideration
a Copy of a Report upon the provisions
of that Ordinance by the
Emigration Commissioners—I have the honor to acquaint Your
Lordship that in the preparation of the Ordinance by the
Attorney General and the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works
the provision for the summary remedy suggested by
M Murdoch
was purposely omitted in order to ensure the easy passage of the
Ordinance, and particularly to avoid the appearance in a
where it is so much desired to encourage settlement, of too
urgent pressure on "bona fide" settlers perhaps unable to pay up
promptly. It is thought that this latter reason is still
operative and under the circumstances it may be inexpedient to
introduce any amendment of the Ordinance until absolutely