M Philippo is available & I imagine would make an
unexceptionable appointment.
M Crease is recommended by the Governor in a Telegram after
receiving ours in which he was told that a Puisne Judge would be
sent out. I imagine there is not much force in his objection
that the Salary would not tempt a competent man from England.
It is of great importance no doubt with regard to pending
questions, e.g. confederation—that the Attorney
Gen should be
a good one & have the confidence

of the Governor & I suspect
M Musgrave would be glad to kick
M Crease upstairs.
Do you think that
M C though an indifferent Attorney
Gen would make a good Puisne Judge? His defects in the one
office might not necessarily be of a character to interfere with
the due performance of his duties in the other. But of
this you who know the circes will be the best judges.
In the event of
Lord Granville appointing him Puisne Judge,
Philippo might be offered the A. Generalship on the existing
Salary & fees, subject however to an enquiry & remodelling in
the Colony.
The Governor is about to be told

has been?
to adjust the rate of fees as to give the A.G. fair security for
such an income as he ought to receive from

Can we give
M Philippo any idea of what his pay will hereafter be or can
we tell him any sum below which the Secretary of State will not
sanction its being fixed?
If he accepts (supposing the offer made) his passage would be
paid for him his salary not exceeding £500, or are the Fees
considered as part of Salary which would in that case be above
I think that it would probably be best for the Colony if
Crease were moved up to the Bench. Upon the whole a feeble
Attorney General is likely to do more harm than a weak Judge.
M Phillippo
is to be offered the Attorney Generalship he might be informed
that the question is not yet decided whether he should

be paid
by fees as well as Salary.
That if payment by fees is to cease, his Salary would not be
less than £800 (I think) & that he may take private practice.
That if payment by fees is to continue, some alteration may be
made in the present scale of fees, but that the object aimed at
would be to ensure him £800 a year, & that in this case also he
might take private practice.
I rather doubt whether he could get his passage money allowed

under CO Reg. 153 as "the
emoluments of his office" in either case exceed £500 a year.