I should say that Extracts as I have marked them in pencil might
be given, but Departmentally it would be convenient to have the
whole in print first.
There may be a doubt about the whole of 10906 Separate of 24
Sept. 1867—but our despatch ackn the receipt of it
(N 87 of 19 Nov. 67) & also acknowledging a
Numbered one which has to be given.
539—B. Columbia.
The only question is whether to give the whole or only extracts,
i.e. only what refers to

Confederation—the other questions
being Representative Institutions—Retrenchment & Reciprocal
Commerical Treaty with the U. States.
In the case of extracts I think it is best—unless entailing
much unnecessary printing—that they should be made from a
printed copy.