I have laid before The
Earl of Clarendon your letter of the
13 instant, inclosing a copy of a letter from the
Representatives of the Canadian Government in this Country
respecting the
Island of San Juan; and I have to request that
you will state to
Earl Granville that the question respecting
the proper interpretation of the Treaty of
1846 between this
Country and the United States, in its application to the
of San Juan
of San Juan, has long been in discussion between the two
Governments, and that
Lord Clarendon trusts that an arrangment
into which he has entered with the United States' Minister in
this Country will ensure the matter being at an early period
referred to the arbitration of a friendly state.
I inclose, Confidentially, for
Earl Granville's information, a
copy of a Convention in which that arrangment is recorded, and
which was signed yesterday at this Office, but I have to observe
that, until it has been
ratified, this Convention should not be
Communicated to any party whatever.