I have the honor to apply for
Earl Granville's authority for
paying a sum of £400 to the
Bishop of Columbia on account of
Female Emigration, as requested by the enclosed letter from the
Colonial Secretary of that Colony.
Crown Agents have recently received Bills from
Columbia which when discounted will realize about £5483.0.0,
and propose to make use of that amount in
the following manner,
in accordance with the decision contained in
Lord Granville's
despatch to the Governor of
British Columbia N 23 of
April last:
To repay Crown Agents General account amount advanced |
£1200 |
To repay outstanding interest due 1 & 15 July |
250 |
To pay Trustees of Sinking Fund amounts due 1
January last |
3,250 |
To pay Bishop of Columbia |
400 |
Balance |
383 |
£5483 |