In a Telegram to me before I left
Newfoundland, in reply to an
application for leave to visit England, while declining to grant
it then, Your Lordship added that the question of leave might
arise later.
2. I should now be
grateful if Your Lordship would grant me
leave for a short absence, say for two months, to take effect
after the termination of the Legislative Session in
April or
May, in order to enable me to visit
New York on a matter of
personal moment to myself.

I believe that no inconvenience is likely to arise
from my absence for so short a period at that time.
3. I think it very
probable that on the termination of the
Session some confidential and personal communication with the
Government of Canada on the subject of Confederation will be
desirable if not necessary and it may be convenient that I
should visit
Ottawa for this purpose when in that neighbourhood
on the Continent. Under these circumstances I would
respectfully request Your Lordship's permission to take
short leave for which I ask upon full pay as being to some
extent on the service of the Colony. The Officer temporarily
administering the Government

Senior Member of the Ex. Council, Col. Sec.
need not be put to any expense
during my absence; but with Your Lordship's sanction he might be
allowed to draw half Salary from the Crown fund which is at the
absolute disposal of the Government for any
purpose of which you approve.