It is obviously desirable that I should acquaint myself as soon
as possible with the character of the chief settlements in the
Colony, and this is most effectively done by personal
As the winter is drawing on, I should not be able to reach
Cariboo, which is the most distant and most important, before
the bad weather sets in, unless I proceed at once. And I do not
like to postpone my visit for so many months as I must otherwise
be compelled to do, though I confess I should not have
unwilling to rest here for some weeks after my long journey of
nearly 5,000 miles by the Pacific Railroad and by sea from
Newfoundland. I intend therefore, having now enquired to some
extent into the general business of the Colony, to leave
on Tuesday next for a tour through
New Westminster and the chief
settlements to
Cariboo. I shall be absent from the seat of
Government about a month; but I can at most places be
communicated with by Telegraph from
Victoria. I shall have
opportunities during my tour for collecting information on the
state of feeling with regard to Confederation and other matters,
which will be
very useful to me during the Legislative Session,
and on my return I shall be better able to report to Your
Lordship the fruit of my observation on any public questions.