With the unanimous advice and consent of the Executive Council I
have caused the expenses connected with the Funeral of the late
Governor Seymourto
to be defrayed at the cost of the Public. The
Royal Naval Cemetry was the place chosen for the interment.
Representatives from all classes of the community from all parts
of the Colony attended, and every mark of respect was paid to
the Remains of Her Majesty's late Representative.
2. The Gazette Extraordinary which
accompanied my despatch N
6 of
17 June, will have informed Your Lordship as to the
arrangements for the Funeral. They were carried out under my
personal supervision, with the assistance of
Captain Edye, RN,
of Her Majesty's Ship "
Satellite," the Senior Naval Officer on
this Station, and I would take this opportunity
to acknowledge
the valuable aid afforded to me by that Officer on the occasion.