.bd The Attorney General's report on "No. 24 Ordinance 1869."
16 April 1869
I have the honor to state for the information of Her Majesty's
Government that;
"An Ordinance respecting Indian Reserves"
has been passed by The Legislative Council to provide a speedy and
cheap means of remedying and abating encroachments on The Indian
Reserves, and debateable land between Indian and White claimants,
without the delay necessary in cases tried before the Supreme Courts.
The difficulty and time taken up in dealing with such cases of
the ordinary tribunals, have been a standing danger to the
especially with a population so sensitive to an invasion of their
supposed rights as the native tribes.
They are taught to believe, and in practice do, think of
Queen as their great chief, willing, able and prompt to remedy injury
and prevent wrong.
They are quite alive to the invasion of the Whites upon their
old hunting and fishing grounds and potato patches; and only
partially acquiesce in it, partly, from a feeling of the white mans
superiority, but chiefly from the confidence so constantly impressed
on them by the Officers of the Government that Her Majesty will not
allow formalities of law to militate against the speedy rendering of
justice Wherever they may happen to be in their right.
Although the ordinance under report will tax the discretion of
the Magistrates
very largely, for the lands of the Indians are the
best cleared, and most desireable for settlement of any in the
Country, and therefore a constant object of the white mans cupidity,
I feel constrained to commend it for approval as a wise and
beneficent measure.