I have had the honor to receive Your Lordship's despatch N 4
14 January enquiring whether I
have received the
Duke of
Buckingham's Circular despatch of the
6 of August 1868
respecting the proposed registration of Births, Marriages, and
Deaths. In reply I have to state that my despatch of the
of October 1868 acknowledged the receipt of His Grace's circular
despatch in question.

No. It ack simply the duplicate.
2. My despatch N 100 of
11 August, will
have informed Your
Lordship that the subject was considered in the Executive
Council, and I was advised that the
Ceylon regulations could not
be made to apply to this Colony.
3. I laid before the Legislative Council, by message, a copy of
the abstract of the
Ceylon Registration Ordinances, which formed
part of the
Duke of Buckingham's
Circular Despatch of
6 of
August 1868, the Council however did not take action in the matter.