Sir F. Rogers
B Columbia Ordinance of
1867 was ultra vires, as being
contrary to the provisions of the Imperial Medical Act.
An Act was passed last Session 31
Vict c. 29 altering the
Medical Act, & providing (sec 3) that any person duly registered
under the Medical Act should be entitled to be registered in any
Colony on payment of fees & proof of registration.
The Governor considers that no further change in the Col. Law is
now necessary, but I dissent from his view.
By the 4 section of the Ordinance, a compulsory course of
study of not less than three years imposed by the College or
School that grants the Diploma is made a condition precedent to
registering such Diploma under the Ordinance.
I am not aware whether in England such a term of study is
absolutely required, but if it is so now, it may not be
hereafter, and in such case the person who has been registered
under the Medical Act would not be enabled to register in the
Colony as he is entitled to do by the Imperial Act.
I think this should be pointed out to the Governor, & that he
should be informed that

in His Lordships opinion the Ordinance
requires amendment & that probably it will be the best plan to
repeal the Ordinance of
1867 which it was beyond the power of a
Col. Legislature to pass in
1867 and to re-enact it, taking care
however to provide that any person who has been duly registered
under "The Medical Act" shall be entitled to be registered in
the Colony upon payment of the fees required for such
registration & upon proof, in such a manner as shall be
thought desirable, of his Registration under the said Act.