Despatch to London.
Minutes (2), Other documents (1).
This document contains mentions of Indigenous Peoples. The authors of these documents
often perpetuate a negative perspective of Indigenous Peoples and it is important
to look critically at these mentions. They sometimes use terminology that is now considered
hurtful and offensive. To learn more about modern terminology pertaining to Indigenous
Peoples, Indigenous ways of knowing, and decolonization, please refer to the Glossary of terms.
Seymour describes how British Columbia’s Executive Council attempted to create a system to register births, marriages, and
deaths in the colony. Seymour discusses why creating a standard system in British Columbia may not work and how white or coloured people residing in the more civilized parts could register births, deaths, and marriages. Seymour notes that Many of the white men are living in a state of concubinage with Indian women far in
the Interior and that these men would not come forward to register the birth of some half breed bastard.Hemming’s minute suggests sending the despatch to the Regr Genl.
No. 100
11th August 1868
My Lord Duke,
In fulfilment of the intention announced in my despatch No. 77
of the 29th of July, I have considered in the ExecutiveCouncil
Council the mode in which the Registration of Births, Marriages
and Deaths should be effected.
2. I was at once reminded by the Council of the futile attempts
I had made on two occasions, on the Mainland, to legislate on
this subject. My Bills did not meet the views of the Council
and after long and wearying consideration they found that they
themselveshad had nothing to suggest in their place. Then, towards the
end of the Session, the whole matter would be shelved for—in the eyes
of the Council—more important business.
3. I really do not know how a general system of Registration
could be worked satisfactorily here. The population is greatly
scattered. The Majority are Indians whom we could hardly expect to register any one
ofthe the three great events of life. Many of
the white men are living in a state of concubinage with Indian women far in the Interior.
They would hardly come forward to
register the birth of some half breed bastard.
4. In regard to white or coloured people residing in the more
civilized parts of the Country, they could always, if desirous,
get their child's baptismal certificate,their their own marriage
certificate, or the certificate of burial of any one in whom
they take an interest.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient,
humble Servant. Frederick Seymour
Rogers to Registrar General, 24 October 1868, forwarding copy of
despatches from British Columbia and Turks Island respecting
registration of births, deaths and marriages.