With reference to my despatches noted in the margin

Governor to Secretary of State
No. 2 of 1 Feb. 1868 and No. 146 of 22 Nov. 1867.
I have the honor to forward a Report from
M Tiedemann, a highly
respectable Civil Engineer,
on the subject of the line of Road
to the Interior of the Colony by way of
Bute Inlet, suggested by
M Waddington. I am not personally acquainted with
Tiedemann, but the enclosed memorandum from
M Young, the
Acting Colonial Secretary speaks in his favour.
2. We have already more roads than we can make use of to the
gold mines, and I am not
inclined to give any further
encouragement to the project of
M Waddington, to which the
papers I enclose relate.
3. There are two practicable ways at least now in use which
could serve to open communication with the Eastern provinces
should circumstances require a road to be opened.
4. I would beg leave to refer Your Grace to the general report
on this subject
by the Surveyor General transmitted in my
despatch No. 26 of
2 April.