Despatch to London.
Minutes (3), Enclosures (untranscribed) (1), Other documents (1).
Seymour sends the police magistrate’s report respecting the state of Victoria. Minutes by Rogers and Buckingham discuss the report and how to reply to Seymour. Blake’s minute suggests seeing subsequent Govr Sepe/9906. The included document describes the potential for Fenian violence against British Columbia and how to protect Victoria.
I send you a report respecting the state of Victoria which
I have just received from the Police Magistrate. I will
send a copy to the Admiral as soon as I can procure one.
Nothing but what Govr Seymour & the Admiral shd deal
with. Confidl acknowledge Enclosure—expressing
entire confidence in Govr & the Admiral to take all needful
precautions and in the good spirits of the colonists
to make common cause against those whose real object is robbery
& plunder.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
A.F. Pemberton, Police Magistrate, 21 June 1868, describing the
potential threat of Fenian violence against British Columbia,
with recommendations regarding the protection of Victoria.