I find in Your Grace's despatch No. 9 of the
8 of February
the expression of the anticipation that I shall report how the
irregularities in the Sale of Real property in
Victoria for
taxes occurred. How they escaped detection. Who are the Public
Officers chargeable with them, whether they are still in the
Public Service and in what way they were remunerated.
2. These irregularities occurred before my assumption of the
Government of this
Island, and I find the greatest difficulty in
procuring information respecting their origin. I think that the
matter may now
be allowed to drop. This was, as stated in my
despatch No. 157, of
30 November 1867, simply an average
instance of the manner in which public business was transacted
Vancouver Island. The public officers' time appears to have
been taken up by disputes with the House of Assembly. Their
attention engrossed by the affairs of the Mainland.