M Elliot
The Commiss of Customs report that there is nothing in this
Ordinance so far as regards the basis of value repugnant to Imp
Legislation. But they raise objections to sects 4 & 8 & I
suggest amendments to meet such objections. It is somewhat unfortunate
that these points should not have been taken when the repealed
Ord of
1865 was under their consideration as exactly similar
sections were in that Ordinance.
Board of Trade have also reported on this Ordinance. (See
12857 sent on herewith.)
They are satisfied with the principle laid
down in sect 7 of taxing according to the value at the port of
Shipment, but they find fault with the section, because the charges for
transport, insurance &c are not to be included in the value upon which
the duty is to be assessed, as the basis of the 'ad valorem' tax is "the
fair market value in the principal markets of the country whence
the goods were shipped or exported."
From a careful perusal of the
Report of the Commissioners of Customs in the present case & in the
Gambia case 5517 sent on herewith, I gather that the Commissioners
consider that under the section as it now stands the cost of conveyance
&c would be added to the invoice value in considering what sum is to
be paid by way of duty.
But as it is very desirable that this point should be clearly
ascertained before any amendment is required, I should be disposed to
send a copy of the
B of Trade letter

the Treasury to the
Commissioners of Customs & request that they would favour HG with
any observations they may have to make upon that letter, enclosing
at the same time a copy of the Ordinance.