Despatch to London.
Minutes (2), Enclosures (transcribed) (1), Enclosures (untranscribed) (3), Other documents
This document contains mentions of Indigenous Peoples. The authors of these documents
often perpetuate a negative perspective of Indigenous Peoples and it is important
to look critically at these mentions. They sometimes use terminology that is now considered
hurtful and offensive. To learn more about modern terminology pertaining to Indigenous
Peoples, Indigenous ways of knowing, and decolonization, please refer to the Glossary of terms.
Seymour forwards letters of correspondence between Seymour, Scott, and Hoyt. Seymour describes the nature of the correspondence, which discusses the management of Native Races and the transport of cattle through British Columbia. Seymour comments on the state of relations between coastal American authorities and Seymour. Cox’s minute comments on Seymour’s proceedings in relation to Buckingham’s instructions in another despatch and suggests informing the Foreign Office as well as Monck in relation to the 1825 Treaty with Russia. Included documents describe correspondence between Seymour and American authorities, Scott and Hoyt.
No. 147
22nd November 1867
My Lord Duke,
With reference to my Confidential despatch of the 25th
of September, I have the honor to forward copies of further
letters which have passed between ColonelScottScott and Major Hoyt
of the American Army, on the one side and myself on the other.
2. In replying to Colonel Scott I have given my idea as to
the manner in which the United States should deal with the
Indians in their newly purchased Territory of Alaska. I believe
that Colonel Scott has the very best intentions butthe the management
of Native Races cannot be acquired by instruction or precept. A
long training will generally be required.
3. To Major Hoyt I have stated that, subject to Your Grace's
permission I will permit Cattle imported from Puget Sound, for
the use of the United States' Garrisons in Alaska, to be imported
into British Columbia duty free, acertificate certificate being given that
a like number will be exported.
4. It seems to me that this privilege may very fairly be
considered. Were it not, the steamers chartered by the United
States would go direct to Puget's Sound for their Cattle and thus
inflict an injury on Victoria and its neighbourhood.
5. I have the pleasure of adding that the mostfriendly friendly and
intimate relations exist between the American authorities on this
Coast and myself.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord Duke,
Your most obedient,
humble Servant. Frederick Seymour
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers Governor Seymour's proceedings both in regard to giving
information as to the treatment of Indians & as to passing
American cattle thro B. Columbia are quite in accord with
the instructions sent to him by the Duke of Buckingham in his
despatch 28 Dec No. 101.
Copy to F.O. See minute on 12847—F.O.—a
suggestion that Lord Monckshd be informed of the
result of the reference to the Queen's Advocate as to whether
the U. States was bound by our Treaty in 1825 with Russia.
Shall a copy
of the confidential despatch of 17 Jan. be sent to Lord Monck?
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Seymour to Colonel Scott, 4 October 1867, giving advice
on dealing with the Indians. Transcribed Below.
Seymour to Major Hoyt, 4 October 1867, consenting to
the passage of cattle through the colony.
Scott to Seymour, 28 October 1867, expressing thanks for his
Other documents included in the file
Draft reply, Buckingham to Seymour, No. 11, 10 February 1868 acknowledging Seymour’s despatch describing correspondence between Seymour, Scott, and Hoyt regarding “the management of the Indian Tribes in the territory…the transit of Cattle
through British Columbia for the use of the United States garrison in Alaska” and approving of Seymour’s actions.
Rogers to Secretary of State, Foreign Office, 12 February 1868,
forwarding copy of the despatch for information.
Draft reply, Buckingham to Monck, Canada, Confidential, 12
February 1868 informing Monck of Seymour’s despatch regarding the impacts of the US now controlling former Russian America,
particularly in regards to the 1825 international treaty between Britain and Russia.
Documents enclosed with the main document (transcribed)
Enclosure In Despatch Marked No. 147 22nd November 1864.
I hear that you are about to leave Victoria and I at once answer your official letter, although possibly it might have been more
satisfactory to talk over its contents once more.
As regards the treatment of the Indians I do not think you will have much trouble.
I have alwaysalways treated them as, to a certain extent, an inferior race to ourselves, but with
strict justice. I enclose letters of introduction to the Police Magistrate at Nanaimo and Mr. Duncan, the Magistrate at Metlakahtla. You will find Mr. Duncan more conversant with the Indian character than almost anyone in British Columbia. If you stop at Fort Simpson you can gain much practiced information from the representative of the Hudson Bay
I have found that the Indians have a strong idea of justicejustice and know when they are in the wrong. At the same time if not satisfied in
their minds that the punishment inflicted on them is deserved they will long cherish
a desire for retaliation and vengeance.