2. As Colonial Secretary of
Vancouver Island M Young
received six hundred (£600) a year from the Crown Fund.
M Birch
drew eight hundred pounds (£800) out of the General Revenue of
Columbia. It appears to me that the fairest arrangement would be,
under existing circumstances, that
M Young should, while the
Government is
Victoria draw pay at the rate of six hundred pounds
(£600) a year. His house is here and he is put to no extra expense nor
are his duties much heavier than when he was Colonial Secretary for
Vancouver Island only. On the other hand I think some consideration
should be shown to
M Young when he serves at
New Westminster,
his position is too uncertain for him to make any permanent
arrangements in that town.
I propose therefore that when serving
away from his home he should draw pay at the same rate that
Birch did, namely eight hundred pounds (£800).
M Young thinks that he ought to receive more than six
hundred pounds (£600) a year on account of the rise in prices caused
by the imposition of a tariff, but I do not think that in the present
financial depression any Salaries should be increased.
arrangement is merely temporary as I do not yet know if
Birch will return to the Colony.