M Elliot
Gold Mining Law. This Ordinance practically extends to
V. Island the Gold Mining Law of the mainland. There is (as
pointed out by the AG) one important difference. The Act of
1865 by sec 10 allowed an appeal from the Gold Commissioner in
civil cases over £50 to the Supreme Court. By the

present Act
(sec 17) an appeal is allowed in civil cases over 250 dollars,
but only on points of
law. Decisions of the Gold Commiss
on questions of
fact are to be conclusive.
This change has
always been strongly urged by the miners probably with the view
of preventing vexatious appeals & consequent delay. But it has
been made (accord to the Attorney General) against the general
feeling of the Legislative Council & the Report of a Law Committee.
The Attorney General recommends that the Ord be disallowed,
or sent back for attention.
I confess that it appears to me that
the Gold miners are probably the best judges as to a question of
this kind. They are willing to treat the Commissioner (who is
appointed by the Governor) as an arbitrator is treated in England,
& to let his decision be binding upon questions of fact. There is
nothing unreasonable in this, but rather the reverse. There is
no doubt more difficulty about not allowing an appeal from the
verdict of a Jury.
You will see by the accompanying papers 10373

a question has arisen in
Cariboo upon this question of appeal.
Upon the whole, I should be disposed to inform the Gov
that before advising HM upon this Ordinance, HG desires to be
furnished with a copy of the Report of the Law Assimilation Committee
referred to by the A. General in his report; & that, as at present
advised, HG thinks that though an appeal might fairly & reasonably be
dispensed with from the decision of a Commiss upon questions
of fact, he entertains doubts whether it is desirable to take away
the right of appeal from the verdict of a jury in all cases;
though it may, perhaps, be desirable to do so where the subject
matter in dispute does not exceed a certain amount.