I have the honor to transmit to you a copy of a letter from the
Crown Agents with its enclosures stating the circumstances under which
they had been compelled to satisfy from funds in their hands the claims
for interest and Sinking Fund on the Loans of
Columbia to the
amount of £4,125.
I have received with extreme surprise an announcement that the
Officer Administering the Government had sent to the
Crown Agents, in
payment of claims which it was urgently necessary to satisfy, a Draft
upon a Bank with which the Colony of
British Columbia had no assets, and
by which, as far as at present appears, he had no sufficient reason for
supposing that the Draft would be honoured. I trust that some
of this proceeding will be furnished.
In the present instance the
Crown Agents have received my authority
for meeting this claim from funds in their hands in order to save the
credit of the Colony, but I can hold out no promise that the same course
will be taken in any future case.