With reference to your letter of the
12 Ultimo, enclosing
the copy of a further despatch from the Officer Administering
the Government of
British Columbia, respecting the claim of
Clarke and
Skinner for compensation for alleged
losses sustained by them through the sudden termination of a

for the supply of Beef and Vegetables to the
Detachment of Royal Engineers stationed in that Colony in
1863; I am directed by the Secretary of State for War to
transmit to you, to be laid before
M Secretary Cardwell,
a copy of a report on the subject which has been received
Major General Moody, who commanded the Detachment at
the time, and who made the Contract in question.
It would appear from this report, that before any
satisfactory conclusion can be arrived at in this case, it
will be necessary to obtain from

the Colony the information
suggested by
General Moody.
Marquis of Hartington however desires me to state
that, inasmuch as all the expenses connected with this
Detachment, with the exception of the Regimental Pay, were
defrayed either out of special Parliamentary Votes on account
of the Colony, or by the Colony itself, His Lordship is of
opinion that the claim is not one which affects this
Department; and that in the event of any compensation being
held to be due, it will have to be arranged between
Secretary Cardwell and the
Lords of the Treasury whether the
amount should be defrayed from Imperial Funds, or charged to
the revenues of the Colony.