With reference to your letter of the
6 Ultimo,
I am directed to acquaint you, for the information of
Secretary Cardwell, that the Secretary of State for War
has been pleased to authorize the payment, to the men named
in the enclosed list, of the gratuities to which they are
severally entitled on becoming Settlers in
British Columbia;
and I am, therefore, to request that the necessary instructions
may be given for the issue to these men of the sums stated
against their respective names through the Local Authorities
of the above named Colony.
I am further to request that prior
to the
to the payment of
the said gratuities to these men, a Medical Certificate, (to
be attached to the receipt which will be forwarded to this
office) may be required from each, to the effect that he is
in good health and fit to become a Settler in the Colony.