With reference to
M Elliot's letter of the
ultimo, in which it is stated that the claims on the Crown
Agents in respect of
British Columbia, which fall due on or
before the
16 instant, amount to,
£ 6,250, Interest and Sinking Fund on Loan
10,000, the amount of two bills which mature at the latter date
I am directed by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's
Treasury to acquaint you
for the information of
M Secretary
Cardwell, that in order to enable the
Crown Agents to meet
these claims, My Lords have directed the payment to them of
the sum of £4664.14.11, the balance of the Vote for
British Columbia for the year
1863/4, and have also desired an
advance to be made to the Agents of £2050 from Civil
Contingencies, which with the balance on the Vote and the
cash in the Agents' hands will be sufficient to meet the
payments referred to. The remainder of the claim of £9051
will be paid to the Agents, when the Supplementary Vote, which
My Lords propose to submit to Parliament, has been taken.