Childers to Rogers (Permanent Under-Secretary)
Treasury Chambers
1st January 1866
With reference to your letter of the 22nd Ultimo I am desired by the Lords Commissoners of Her Majesty's Treasury to acquaint you, for the information of Mr Secretary Cardwell, that They will not object to the Crown Agents for the Colonies being authorized to deposit temporarily, with one of the large Joint Stock Banks mentioned in the letter of this Board of the 9th of November last, the sum of £15000 belonging to the Government of British Columbia and not immediately required for the service of that Colony. This authority is given pendingtheManuscript image the consent of the Government of the Colony, which should be immediately applied for.
I am etc.
Hugh C.E. Childers
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Elliot
Authorize the Agents to deposit the £15000 as proposed pending the consent of the local Govt & send copies of the correspondence (for information) to the Govt?
VJ 3 Jan
Draft as proposed. Except that I would omit the words "for information."
TFE 3/1
Other documents included in the file
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Rogers to Crown Agents, 10 January 1866, authorizing the deposit pending consent from the colony.
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Draft reply, Cardwell to Acting Governor, No. 2, 10 January 1866.