I have the honor to forward an authenticated and two plain
copies of an Ordinance of the present Session of the Legislature
of this Colony, entitled;
No. 11. An Ordinance granting a Supplemental Supply of
Thirty-two thousand four hundred and fifty-six pounds, seven
shillings and five pence, out of the general Revenue of the
Colony of
British Columbia and its Dependencies, to the Service
of the years
5 respectively.
2. I add the Report of the Attorney General together with
a detailed Statement explanatory of the several expenditures
brought to account and embodied in the Supplementary Estimates.
I may add that the original
Estimates for
1865 contemplated an
expenditure of £225,946, while the expenditure of the year,
including the sums passed under the present Ordinance amounted
to £185,000.
This inf may serve to explain some Treasury difficulties.