I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch
Separate of the
15th of October, enclosing copies of a Correspondence
between yourself and
Mr. Justice Begbie on the subject of an Article
which appeared
in one of the Newspapers, accusing
Mr. Begbie of being
concerned in certain speculations in
British Columbia.
You were quite right to appraise
Mr. Justice Begbie of the remarks
which you saw published reflecting on the integrity of himself, and of
other officials in the
Cariboo District. The matter however has, as
Begbie observes, been the subject of a correspondence before, and as you
do not mention whether you have found the Despatches on record, I
enclose copies of
them for convenience of reference. You will find that
my Predecessor felt quite satisfied with the explanations which
Justice Begbie furnished on the subject.