My despatch No. 23 of
30 August 1864, informed you
that I had experimentally appointed
M Robert Ker, Chief Clerk
in the Audit Office, to act as Auditor General of the Colony for
one year, with an
addition to his Salary of one hundred pounds.
Your despatch No. 40 of
1 November, allowed the temporary
2. I have now the honor to state that
M Ker has given
me so much satisfaction in the discharge of his duties and that
the Public Service has profited so materially by the increased
responsibility thrown on
M Ker, as the head of a Department,
that I have
ventured to appoint him, subject to your approval,
to be Auditor General of this Colony. The Salary I propose to
allot will be, the same as under the temporary arrangement,
five hundred pounds (£500) a year, being one hundred more than
M Ker
received as Chief Clerk.